Parent Info
Rancho Vista School Site Council
Clear Absences with iAttendSchool:
Keeping Hydrated in the heat!
Attached is our safety plan for 2021 /fs/resource-manager/view/7aedc382-121f-4d10-b60f-f8f1402a68be
Please see our attached and updated COVID safety plan. /fs/resource-manager/view/61c9919d-fe33-4d75-b347-764a5a586eb5
Many opportunities exist for parent involvement in the Westside Union School District and at Rancho Vista School. Parent involvement hours, most of which are spent in the classroom, average over 7,000 hours/year. We are proud of our strong parent partnerships and recognize the importance of parental support. Rancho Vista has an active PTA which supports academic field trips and assemblies in addition to activities that promote a positive school culture. Our school also reaches out to parents through our Latino Literacy program.
At the district level, parents are encouraged to participate on the District Advisory Committee, the District English Language Advisory Committee, and district curriculum committees, especially as it pertains to the adoption of new curricular materials and content standards. At the site level parents are provided a variety of opportunities to volunteer in the classroom and through service on committees. Rancho Vista maintains a School Site Council, School Safety Committee, English Language Advisory Committee and a PTA which hold monthly meetings. Parents are encouraged to run for office and attend the meetings for these governing bodies. Parents are also welcome to volunteer in the classrooms and assist on field trips under the direct instruction of a classroom teacher.
For directions on how to access school curriculum online, watch this short demonstration:
Uniform Complaint Procedures
The Westside Union School District has the primary responsibility for compliance with federal and state laws and regulations. We have established Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP) to address allegations of unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying, and complaints alleging violation of state or federal laws governing educational programs, the charging of unlawful pupil fees and the non-compliance of our Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP).